Market Rules

2024 Cowlitz Community Farmers Market Vendor Rules  

Our Mission is to serve the Cowlitz Community by operating a viable market for locally grown  agricultural products which provide a wide variety of fresh, healthy produce and plants to the local  community, and enabling local growers to increase their income by selling directly to consumers. 

1. What May be Sold: Vendor-produced plants, produce, honey, eggs, flowers, processed foods, and some handcrafts made by the vendor are permitted at Cowlitz Community Farmers Market (CCFM). A. All potted plants must be grown by the vendor for 4+ weeks just prior to taking them to market. B. All seeds, bulbs, and bare-root plants must have been harvested from the vendor’s property. C. Vendors may purchase supplemental materials to enhance their home-grown product representing no more than 25% of the total value of individual items sold. 

D. Growers may sell their factory-processed products if they have documentation proving the major  ingredient was produced by the grower; i.e. emu oil, peppermint oil, flavored vinegar. E. Crafts must: relate to yard/garden; show substantial, creative by-hand reworking of basic product. F. No Clothing, Jewelry, Commercial, Imported, Resale or Second-Hand items accepted.  

2. Craft Policy: Ten total crafters are allowed at CCFM. Yard and garden have first priority. A. The product must have been produced using organic materials. 

B. Material must have undergone a major transformation from its natural state. 

C. The following craft items will be accepted: 

1. Woodworking including carvings, turning, bentwood and twig items. 

2. Quilts and piecework 

3. Pottery 

4. Homespun threads, handwoven fabric 

5. Metalwork 

6. Basket weaving 

            7. Artworks of natural materials, wood or plant wall hangings, stained glass, paintings, etc. 

3. All Vendors apply and pay $25 USD annual dues each year. State law requires each vendor have an  Individual Business License, however CCFM purchases an annual City of Longview license. Applicants  include UBI# and copies of applicable licenses/permits (nursery, health, dept. of agriculture, organic  certification, etc.). CCFM does not discriminate based on race, creed, sex, religion, age, or nationality. 

4. New Vendors & Products must be accepted by the Good of the Market and Jury Committee before  selling for the first time. Only products that have been submitted and approved are permitted. Any new  products must be submitted for approval before they can be sold at the farmers market. Borders are as  per the WSFMA appendix, subject to jury and good of the market committee approval, with local  

agriculture vendors priority defined as Cowlitz community and bordering counties. 

5. Daily Fees are payed at close of each market day before you load up to the Market Manager.  Saturday fee is 5% of gross sales (after taxes) plus a stall fee of $15 for a standard 12x12 foot space.  Returning CCFM vendors may request more space for a fee. Tuesday has a 5% sales fee, no stall fee. 

6. Sales Taxes: All vendors of non-produce-food items must collect sales taxes on their products.  Vendors must record their sales after taxes on their Daily Report forms and turn the record in with their  fees for the day but will pay the taxes on their sales on their regular reports to the State. 

7. Membership: Vendors become market members by paying the $25 annual fee with their application.  Any partnership or corporation operating as a unit pay as one. No dues for member’s minor children.  

8. Stall Assignments made by Market Manager. Stall assignment maps are sent via email week of  market. All vendors must be in place by 8:30 am day of market; no vehicles on mid-way while market is  open. Returning produce vendors have priority on previous stalls even if held by another vendor. 

9. 2024 Market Dates: Saturdays 9:00 am to 2:00 pm starting April 20th at 1900 7th Ave Longview, WA  and Tuesdays 10:00 am to 3:00 pm starting May 7th at 1200 12th Ave & Hemlock, Longview, WA).

10. Vendor Responsibilities: 

A. Vendors supply their own table, display, canopy, and/or equipment. 

B. Canopies and umbrellas must be safely weighted, including setup and breakdown. No tying to  vehicles. Canopies: 24 lb.+ hung or attached to each leg, 31+ lb. with sidewalls. Umbrellas: 50+ lb.  Vendors who fail to comply cannot sell that day unless they take down and stow their canopy. C. Vendors must set up within the boundaries of their allotted stall space. 

D. Vendors shall keep their spaces clean, safe, and attractive. 

E. All vendors are responsible for removing their own refuse. 

F. Vendors who operate additional locations, have produce stands, or speculate outside of CCFM may  not advertise, promote, or conduct off-site business while at the CCFM. 

11. Health and Safety: Vendors must follow all applicable health and safety regulations regarding  product handling, displaying, storing, and packaging. Vendors with electrical or propane cooking,  heating, or popping must have a 40-BC rated 5 lb. dry chemical fire extinguisher or larger. A. CCFM does not insure for product liability. Vendors are liable for defects in their product and must  

provide a certificate of liability insurance with a minimum of $1 million each occurrence with a $2  million aggregate. Cowlitz Community Farmers Market must be named an additional insured. If you  plan to vend Tuesday and Saturday both addresses must be listed separately on your policy. 

B. Produce and plants should be insect and disease-free, fresh, and clean as is normally acceptable. C. Vendors shall conduct themselves in a courteous and businesslike manner. It is the market’s goal to  win friends and benefit vendors, customers, and the community. 

12. Exceptions: 

A. Trucker Exception: To ensure adequate fruits and vegetables that cannot be grown in sufficient  supply by Cowlitz Community growers, CCFM contracts one vendor with a dealer’s license to truck  in non-competitive resale produce grown in Washington, Oregon, or Idaho. 

B. Fish Exception: To offer customers access to healthy Pacific Northwest foods, CCFM may contract  with a fish dealer to purchase from Washington fishermen for resale at this market. C. Concessions: To enhance market appeal, CCFM may contract a few concessionaires. The  appropriate number will be decided by the Good of the Market committee and they shall approve all  such contracts. Annual dues and applicable fees are the same as for other vendors. 

13. Authority: Market Manager enforces all market rules, and may have any vendor remove any item  deemed unacceptable or inappropriate. Vendors may appeal to the Good of the Market committee. 

14. Consignment: Vendors may take on consignment products grown or crafted by nonmembers too  small for a stall. After making $200, the consignee must pay their $25.00 dues and become members of  CCFM. Vendors must pay commission on all sales to the market and collect taxes if taxable. 

15. Music: Market Manager assigns musicians a location under a provided canopy with power outlet  access; they receive a stipend, may sell CDs and accept donations. Sound must be at a volume where  customers can easily interact. Arrive by 9:30am, depart at 1:30pm or later. Unassigned musicians may  play for donations and CD sales. A canopy may be provided if available. Musicians furnish electronics. 

16. Exclusions: No religious, political, or non-agricultural service organizations. 

17. Use by others, non-vendors: parking and sidewalk areas within CCFM are not public and are  reserved for exclusive use by the market, its owners and tenants, and members of the public doing  business with them. Market Manager permission to use such areas for any other purpose is subject to  rules and regulations, and permission may be revoked at any time. Failure to comply may expose  persons to the State of Washington laws of criminal trespass. Laurie Market Manager 360-957-7023. 

18. Dogs: All dogs must be on a strong leash. All vendor dogs must be on a strong leash and be  securely tied or in a kennel with access to fresh water. If the animal isn’t friendly, leave them home.